Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Put Your Phone Away!

Throughout the course of the week, I have to remain vigilant about cell phone usage in my classroom. If allow students will spend the majority of their time checking Facebook post, Instagram, Snap Chat and other social media sources. In the past, I've created a reward system for students placing their cell phones in a secure location during class. If cell phones are found when students receive consequences like detentions or referrals. Recently I have tried to include activities in the classroom where students can use their cell phones. Plickers is a popular student engagement tool used for practice questions. I have also used remind to inform students of important dates and exams. What have you used to build technology in the classroom?

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try out Plickers with my students!

    I don't have an issue with my students and cell phones but because my middle schoolers have their own laptops, I have an issue with them using Hangouts through Google and messaging each other during class time.
