Monday, July 23, 2018

Social Media in my Classroom

For the past several weeks I have contemplated how I would use social media in my classroom for the upcoming school year. Areas that concern me deal with the managing the system to ensure that students do not use it for inappropriate purposes. Even though students are told to be respectful they sometimes do not follow directives. In the past, I have used Edmodo where students can work on and submit assignments. As an educator, its a simple system for me to use to collect assignments. Students are able to create Avatars and engage in chat. Students will sometimes post internet memes that will get others off task. I think that discussion should be used in a targeted format. I will open up areas for discussion using multiple formats at specific times. What do you think will be some innovative ways to incorporate social media in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I think social media has great potential to pair classroom activities with technology our students are familiar with using. Instagram has a HUGE and robust teaching community, with educators creating their own "teacher accounts". They use those accounts to connect with other educators and provide students with a professional social media handle. This is one way I've seen teacher approach the use of social media in the classroom. Sometimes they post stories polling their students about what novel they want to read next, or they share their next unit and some fun future projects. This helps get students excited about what is coming down the line and involves them in classroom decisions - if even in a small way!
