Today I complete my three blog post and discussion response. At this point, I recognize how helpful this class has become for me. The Web 2.0 tools have allowed me to share my thoughts and views in ways that I didn't know before. I plan to continue using this blog when I get frustrated and need to vent. Sharing your thoughts in this forum allows you to vent without the threat of retaliation and consequence. In one of our text, it spoke about anonymity playing a role in the online social culture. One of the most surprises aspects that I discovered today is that I have readers from all across the globe. Its crazy to comprehend that someone read my post from Iraq. Web 2.0 tools allow us to reach large audiences and that's what I should keep in mind as I move forward. I will also continue to do Bucs chat videos through YouTube. I really enjoyed this process of creation. As I become more comfortable I will be able to make more interesting videos and become comfortable speaking on camera. I hope everyone has a productive week.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Racism caught on tape.
Over the last few months there has been an influx of videos showing black people being harrassed while doing everyday activities. All of these videos show people calling the police on people of color engaging in normal activities. Sleeping in a library, waiting for a business partner at a coffee shop, having a barbecue at the park, children selling water, and going to community pool are a few of the incidents that have occured. I know that we live in a climate where if you see something then you should say something however, these incidents show innocent conduct. Technology and Web 2.0 tools has allowed us to instantly share our experiences and videos can provide amazing prospectives. As a society we are addressing these for what they are. I believe that racism has no place in our society. I also believe that people should mind their own business. I think that cell phone video will continue to expose situations of injustice and people will have to ensure that their actions are in line with social norms. What do you think about these videos?
Stand Your Ground
Stand your ground for me is a polerizing issue. Florida state law declares in issues of conflict if someone believes that their life is in danger they do not have the duty to retreat or respond with the same force. They have the right to eliminate or kill the combatant. This law was first made enfamous by the Travon Martin case. In that case George Zimmerman approached high schooler Travon Martin in a alley engaged in a confrontation and ultimately shot and killed him. Travon Martin was precieved as a threat because it was dark, he was wearing a hoodie, and he was black. George Zimmerman was ultimately acquitted of all charges. Some believe that his actions since the trial suggest that he has some mental issues. A new case caught on video show Markeis McGlokton intervening in an argument between a gas station patron in his girlfriend. Markeis intervened by pushing the patron down and standing back. At that patron pulled out his gun waited for seconds and shot Markeis. Markeis later died from his injuries. My question remains is an altercation enough merit to use deadly force? I grew up in a time where people had fist fights and they never ended up in murder. I also believe that there are some racial bias regarding this law. I have not seen a high profile case where the role was reversed. I think that this will be an interesting case for the state attorney to review. What are your views on this matter.
Last Week!
I gotta say its bittersweet to make it to the last week. This week I am going to focus on putting everything behind me quickly. I need to prepare for a new school year. I have enjoyed getting to know my classmates and participating in discussions. Before this class, I didn't have a twitter account or a blog. Now I have heavily participated in both. My goal for this class was to earn an "A". I hope that I have done enough to get there. This will focus on trying to complete everything at the beginning of the week. I want to extend a big thank you to my classmates and my teachers for their patients, understanding, and commitment. I hope that I will be able to continue to learn more about these subjects moving forward. Have a great week.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Week 5 Reflection
This week I took the opportunity to bring it all together. I am starting to plan on how I will use these tools going forward for the new school year. Even though I am still concerned about how students will use these tools I am optimistic about the value that it will bring to the classroom. My goal this year is to better communicate with students and parents. I think starting has made me see a different perspective on how it's important to share your view on different concepts. There are still some tools that I am uncomfortable using. I'm now testing snap chat which is an interesting way to take funny pictures and take interesting pictures. I also like watching the videos on TeacherTube. This gives me great ideas on activities to practice within my classes. I look forward to learning more and implementing new concepts. I think these concepts will serve me well in the future.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Pinterest in the classroom
Pinterest is a great software to use for tagging relevant content. I think that this will be a great way to get students to collect information about subjects they are interested in. They can use that information to build on their knowledge and try new things. For example, in preparation for the new school year my fiance found an interesting idea on pinterest about creating stools for students out of crates. After some additional research I was able to take some plywood and build the crates. By tagging interesting content students are able to build their knowledge and apply it in different ways. I have recently been using my pinterest account to find new information about video game programming. Hopefully I can find some new infromation to use.
Social Media in my Classroom
For the past several weeks I have contemplated how I would use social media in my classroom for the upcoming school year. Areas that concern me deal with the managing the system to ensure that students do not use it for inappropriate purposes. Even though students are told to be respectful they sometimes do not follow directives. In the past, I have used Edmodo where students can work on and submit assignments. As an educator, its a simple system for me to use to collect assignments. Students are able to create Avatars and engage in chat. Students will sometimes post internet memes that will get others off task. I think that discussion should be used in a targeted format. I will open up areas for discussion using multiple formats at specific times. What do you think will be some innovative ways to incorporate social media in the classroom.
New Year. New Me!
When summer comes to a close it’s always bitter sweet. I have spent a lot of time with my family and taken some vacations now it’s time to get back to work. This year I plan to make a more detailed approach to my courses. This past school year I fell below my personal standard in my execution of the educational plan. The combination of graduate courses and a second job caused me to not be as proficient. This year I plan to begin with a purpose with objectives and measurable goals. I also plan for this to be my last year in the classroom. After this year I want to become an assistant principal. After learning about the responsibilities of the position and after school requirements I do well as a middle or high school assistant. I believe that I connect well with this age group. Let’s get it.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Week 4 Reflection
Happy birthday to me. Today is my birthday and at 1a.m. I'm writing my reflection post. I have always been a night owl. This week I took the time to make some post on what concerns me about using social media in the classroom. I believe that the use of social media should be regulated and incorporated in ways that reinforce the content. I think school districts must also develop guidelines for usage as technology evolves. For my sharing tracking activity, I decided to create videos on the Bucs. I posted the videos on Twitter, Facebook, and my blog to get views. On my second video, I will be posting it to the stick carrier facebook page and measure feedback from my facebook group. Hopefully, I have some great views and content evaluate for the final assignment. In the creation of my videos, I used iMovie. I was able to use and add videos for commentary. Since I am using short videos for commentary I will be able to take advantage of Fair Use. I am also not posting these videos to make money. I look forward to learning more and becoming familiar with these tools.
920 teachers fired
920 Florida school teachers have lost their jobs because of an inability to pass the FTCE General Knowlege Exam which doesn't measure General Knowledge. I guess it's better to have a vacant classroom than one with a teacher in it. Taking one of these tests is a life decision because it starts at $200, you have 3 to take, and if you don't pass the first time they add $15 to the cost for motivation. When I graduated college the test cost $25. The state removed the funding that assisted teachers in paying for the exam. That made the price skyrocket from $25 to $50 to $200. Then someone had the great idea to make the test more rigorous because a test truly determines if you will be a great teacher. I wish they had a test that lawmakers had to pass on economics, common sense, and math. Now our education system is facing some unique problems. First, veteran teachers are retiring (they can't work forever). Second, fewer people are taking the test and fewer people are passing. Finally, those who are teaching while trying to pass the test are being fired. What is the government's response to this issue? Wait and see. Why aren't universities offering courses for these exams that are vital to obtaining a job? Most universities will just direct you to the library. Potential teachers are being measured on skills that were taught freshman year without assistance. With many school districts growing, students are going to pay the price. Instead of having dedicated teachers in classrooms they will we be replaced with longterm. Why doesn't the state require a general knowledge course that meets the requirements? I feel angry and frustrated for these dedicated teachers who now find themselves out of a job.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Social Media In The Classroom
Social Media is a relatively new topic in the education community. Many instituition have come to the realization that education is changing. Over the past 10 years there has been an explosion in the amount of institutions that offer online options for students. I was able to take courses with Florida State for their educational leadership program as a distance student. Teachers are being charged with developing online content that is engaging for student while focusing on rigor. I believe that social media outlets that are beneficial to the educational process should be selected by districts to use in classrooms. Remind is a common tool that I use in the classroom to update students on events. This should be a system that is commonly use in districts and classrooms for communication. Social medial will continue to be an important aspect of education.
Happy Birthday to Me
It's my birtthday this week and I don't know how old I am. It seems like after 21 I stopped counting as the years started to pass by. It seems like I have been so busy with life I haven't had much time to myself. I have set a professional goal for myself to become an assistant principal in the next two years. At my school district, I have to go through a program called Aspiring Leaders to be placed in the appllicant pool. So I will be super busy making getting myself ready for the opportunities ahead. This I will check out different ways to celebrate my birthday that are inexpensive.
Another Super Busy Week
Man social media posting can really be tiring. Posting information that is entertaining takes a great deal of time. So this week lets see what we have to do. First, we must read the assigned reading, submit 4 Blog post, respond to the discussion post, respond to classmates, write a participation log, and submit a presentation on sharing information. I'm starting wonder how much work is too much. I understand that when a class is condensed content must adjust, however, I personally feel like this is too much. I will do the best I can to make it through this week. Two more weeks after this one and I will be done.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Week 3 Reflection
This week we tackled the issue of social bookmarking. This is a system where information is gathered from various resources and individual users are able to select or tag content for their own personal use. I had the opportunity to become reacquainted with Pinterest. This system allows me to research topics of interest and bookmark interesting content. The content is archived in my creative categories for later use and an opportunity for others to share. A question for me this week was how would I use this content in the classroom to further Learning? After reading some of the assigned articles I found that expectations of use and training must be utilized to obtain the best results. I personally like to use one in my classroom because it has a classroom aspect where I can share content and check responses. Students can take screen clipping from websites. They also have the ability to type, draw pictures, and add videos. I think that tagging and bookmarks will allow students to get in the habit of using resources and conducting research. As we dive further into our content I am identifying the impact that Web 2.0 tools have on the education system. Teachers just need to find strategic ways to use them. Another great week is in the books.
Thursday, July 12, 2018
I'm a Stick Carrier!
Stick Carriers are a group die hard Buccaneer fans and now we have our own facebook group page. Last year I joined this facebook group at the recommendation of my favorite podcast "Bucs Uncensord." The goal of this organization is to build the fanbase and support the Buccaneer team. This year we are having our second annual training camp takeover day. On this day its our goal to show in force to the Bucs training camp and make it so loud that the offense has to go into silent count on its practice field. Last year I lost my voice the entire first week before school started. Our group fhas over six thousand members and we discuss all of the players. This group has been a great way to meet fans from other areas. Web 2.0 allows members to build other community networks that increase social interaction.
Distance Learning
Web 2.0 tools have allowed many higher education institutions to offer distance learning opportunities. Over the last 4 years, I have taught at one of the most premier distance learning organizations in florida (FLVS). The online content is maintained by teachers and online schoolhouses with principals. Teachers are responsible for contacting students and parents on a monthly basis. Students are give a set curriculum and pace chart to follow to keep themselves on track. One of the main obstacles they face is the responsibility of being a self motivated learner. Students are responsible for making sure that their classes are completed in a timely manner. Have students take a larger role in their education prepares them for the responsibilities of college. There are a great deal of parent that are considering home school options. Do you think home school options hinder students from the full school experience?
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
New Week New Focus!
Hi Everyone,
It's another week and man it's going by fast, but I have so much work to do. Last week while conducting some research I ran into Upwork & FlexJobs online. I've always wanted to get into bookkeeping, however, my time is scarce. I currently work for Florida Virtual School as an adjunct teacher and I've been going to school part-time for lasting two years. Freelancing would allow me to get into the industry without making a significant commitment. I think that this will become a bigger aspect of employment. When companies seek temporary employees they don't have to pay medical cost or contribute to 401k plans. Compensation can be negotiated and employers can select candidates with most experience. Apps allow users to bid on jobs from anywhere. How do you think employment change in the future as a result of technology?
It's another week and man it's going by fast, but I have so much work to do. Last week while conducting some research I ran into Upwork & FlexJobs online. I've always wanted to get into bookkeeping, however, my time is scarce. I currently work for Florida Virtual School as an adjunct teacher and I've been going to school part-time for lasting two years. Freelancing would allow me to get into the industry without making a significant commitment. I think that this will become a bigger aspect of employment. When companies seek temporary employees they don't have to pay medical cost or contribute to 401k plans. Compensation can be negotiated and employers can select candidates with most experience. Apps allow users to bid on jobs from anywhere. How do you think employment change in the future as a result of technology?
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Week 2 Reflection
For this week I addressed Topic 4 in our discussion post. The topic addressed the concern of face to face interactions vs online. In addition, it asked about the importance of knowing someone when communicating. I believe that the influx of social media into the classroom should be used in a targeted fashion. Social media can be used briefly to enhance lessons, however, it's important to remain on target with the content. I currently use Remind, Edmodo, and Plickers in class to enhance my lessons. Students are able to receive updated information, turn in assessment, and provide informal assessments to gauge student progress. In my response, I conveyed that people sometimes feel freer to express their views in an online setting. If they are performing these actions anonymously there isn't a fear of judgment. I learned from the text that it's almost impossible to participate in an online format without expressing specifics about who I am and my beliefs.
On a separate note, I liked reviewing the information on youtube channels. I subscribed to a new channel called dearmeatfordinner. This channel is based on a local guy who does and teaches about outdoor activities. I will think about creating videos of my own in the future. I also learned about the concepts of personal learning networks. I have been contributing to these networks for a while and they are a great way to share ideas. I look forward to learning more in this course.
Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Is Facebook Listening?
Have you ever had a conversation about something at home or in the car and suddenly on your Facebook page the product pops up on your screen. I know this is happening me and many people close to me. Since I've been taking courses at Florida State and talking about my education classes, I have seen numerous adds on education programs at other schools and FSU. Facebook has repeatedly denied that its organization engages in this process however the proof is in the pudding. This invasive practice will lead to decrease in trust. Do you think that Facebook is listening? Does the organization have the right to listen to personal conversations? Should this information shared? I personally don't believe that the organization should have the right to do this. Personal conversations should remain private unless participating understand the practice.
Politics and Social Media
Many people are becoming more and more concerned about the abuse of politics in social media. Facebook for instance, is becoming well-known for using one's belief system to influence political post on their news feeds. The concern stems from the fact that the information isn't always credible and supports a narrative that will lead to further misinformation. I think that we all must do our due diligence to ensure that we are not adversely affected by social media. I also believe that we should be able to expose and discredit incorrect information. Do you think that social media providers should have more of control over whats posted? I know that they have the power because when payperview boxing matches are stream through facebook they are promptly eliminated. What do you think about this topic?
Put Your Phone Away!
Throughout the course of the week, I have to remain vigilant about cell phone usage in my classroom. If allow students will spend the majority of their time checking Facebook post, Instagram, Snap Chat and other social media sources. In the past, I've created a reward system for students placing their cell phones in a secure location during class. If cell phones are found when students receive consequences like detentions or referrals. Recently I have tried to include activities in the classroom where students can use their cell phones. Plickers is a popular student engagement tool used for practice questions. I have also used remind to inform students of important dates and exams. What have you used to build technology in the classroom?
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